Storage Solutions & Recommended Uses

Alternative Storage Options

Below we have provided more guidance on types of data and storage options for each option. Depending on the type of data you need to store and the amount of storage you need, there are several options, including:

Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft Office 365 offers several applications that can be leveraged for storage, including OneDrive, SharePoint, and Teams.

  • OneDrive allows users to keep all files in one location in Microsoft’s cloud environment, which can be accessed from a phone, tablet, or computer. Use OneDrive’s desktop or mobile applications to access up to 5 GB storage quota with 250 GB maximum file size, version history, and integration with other Office 365 products.
  • Teams is a collaboration platform that also facilitates organization of your team’s work, files, and key resources using channels.
  • SharePoint Online is an Office 365 application that allows users to easily create websites for sharing information and tracking and collaborating on projects.


Recommended Storage Solutions by
Data Requirements or Features

The following tables show more specifically which storage solutions are appropriate for specific content or data requirements or storage solution features. The symbols represented are:



Not Supported

Not available or not supported

Not supported or available

Supported but not recommended (limited support, some risk)

Content/Data Requirements

Requirement OneDrive Teams SharePoint Google ANDI ANDISEC BHRIC KoKo

Departmental Shared Data

Not Supported Supported Supported Not supported or available Supported Supported    

User Data

Supported Not Supported Supported Not supported or available Supported Not Supported    

Research data (less than a TB)

Supported Supported Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Supported Supported

Research data (more than a TB)

Supported Supported Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Supported Supported

Storage of Public Data

Supported Supported Supported Not supported or available Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported
Storage of Confidential Data (Level 2 Information) Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Supported Not Supported Not Supported
Storage of Highly Confidential Data (Level 1 Information)       Not Supported Not Supported Supported   Not Supported
Collaborative documents, spreadsheets, slides and forms Supported Supported Supported Not supported or available Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported
Large files (videos, graphics, etc.) (Up to 250GB) Supported Supported Supported Not Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported
HIPAA Supported Supported Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Supported Not Supported


Storage Solution Features

Feature OneDrive Teams SharePoint Google ANDI ANDISEC BHRIC KoKo

Sharing within a single department

Supported Supported Supported Not supported or available Supported Supported Supported Supported

Sharing across multiple departments

Supported Supported Supported Not supported or available Supported Supported Supported Supported

Sharing externally

Supported Supported Supported Not supported or available Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported

Simultaneous editing of files

Supported Supported Supported Not supported or available Not supported or available Not supported or available Not Supported Not Supported

Ability to store a file over 250 GB in size

Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported

Mobile Device Support

Supported Supported Supported Not supported or available Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported
Accessible off campus without VPN Supported Supported Supported Not supported or available Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Supported
File Versioning Supported Supported Supported Not supported or available Supported Supported Supported Not Supported
Snap-shot Backups Supported Supported Supported Not supported or available Supported Supported Supported Not Supported
Supports Offline Versions (Local Sync of Data) Supported Supported Supported Not supported or available Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported
Ransomware Recovery via snapshot restores Supported Supported Supported Not supported or available Supported Supported Supported Not Supported
High Upload and Download Speed for large data sets Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported



Where can I find more information on the Microsoft Tools?
Can I continue to use Google at FAU for storage and document collaboration

Yes! You can still use Google Apps, including Drive, Docs, Sites, Slides, Sheets, and Meet with your Google at FAU account. There will now be a 5 GB quota per account.

What happens is I go over my quota?

Your Google Workspace (FAU Owl Apps) storage is shared across Google Drive, Gmail, Google Photos, and the other Google Apps. When your account reaches its storage limit, you will not be able to create or store new files and those with Owl Mail (Gmail) will be unable to send or receive emails. If you remain over quota, your Google Workspace account will be suspended.

What data gets move by the Data Transfer tools?

The Tools only help you move data in the Google Drive, which does not include Google Photos, Sites, Forms, Slides, etc.

Do I get to retain my email if I only attended but did not graduate FAU?

Previous students that did not graduate are not entitled to their FAU Owl Apps account (Gmail, Google Drive, etc.) and will permanently lose access by the end of the year. Please take action immediately to move your data to a personal account.

What do I do about my Google Shared Drives?

The mover and google takeout tools are unable to move shared drives. You can download the files and manually move using Google Drive for desktop and the OneDrive App on your desktop. If you have a very large amount of data and need help moving your data, please contact your IT support for assistance.

What will be my email address?

Your email address will remain the same

Will I lose access to Google Workspace Apps?

No, all students/faculty/staff will still have access to the google workspace platform with the 5GB limited storage.

How will I access my Office 365 email?

You can login directly to Outlook or visit MYFAU and click on your email Icon.

What happens to my existing email when I opt-in or are converted to Office 365?

It will be copied over to your new Office 365 mailbox.