Beautiful Brains
Beautiful Brains
Beautiful Brains

Welcome to the Neurobehavior Core

The FAU Neurobehavior Core was established to provide FAU researchers with the facilities and resources to perform an array of mouse behaviors. The Neurobehavior Core houses equipment and testing rooms in the Jupiter campus facility. Our goal is to provide 1) expertise in consultation to guide researchers in understanding phenotypes and selecting behaviors relevant to their animal models, 2) access to space and equipment to carry out tests 3) expertise in use of software and data analysis and 4) serve as a venue for training students in all of the above, to contribute to a well-rounded, research-intensive education to future scientists. The Neurobehavior Core also provides services for in vivo microdialysis and high-performance liquid chromatography sample analysis. Our mission is to provide a facility to allow FAU researchers to engage in cutting-edge neuroscience research and foster successful productivity.

The FAU Neurobehavior Core is a federal recharge center at FAU, one of the “research cores”. Research Cores facilitate cutting-edge research to stimulate and increase research productivity. They provide fee-for-service access to technology, equipment, services, and training that are not typically affordable by a single researcher and are valuable to multiple investigators. What makes these enterprises unique is that they operate using a cost recovery model that adheres to government costing principles. Specifically, they must: operate transparently, recover no more than their actual costs, and rates must be consistently applied to all users.

Research Core Internal Pilot (RCIP) Program:

The purpose of this program is to provide FAU investigators the access to FAU Research Core services for projects that have the potential of being externally funded. Supported by the FAU Division of Research, this program will offer pilot awards in the amounts ranging from $500 to $5,000 for use at any of the current FAU Research Cores.

Applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis until funding runs out. The amount of funding available each fiscal year is based on the availability of budget. RCIP funds are awarded by fiscal year and therefore expire if not expended by June 30 of the awarded fiscal year. These non-transferrable funds must be used within the specified time of the award.

The RCIP program information, including terms & conditions and how to apply, is available on our website here: